About ACEs Coalition

ACEs Coalition is a group of community stakeholders taking action on Adverse Childhood Experiences in Guelph and Wellington County.

About Us

The Community Resilience Coalition of Guelph & Wellington envisions a resilient community that prevents and reduces the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). We work together to decrease risk factors that impact health and wellbeing and increase protective factors to build resilience in children, youth, and their families.

Call to Action

Over 100 people came to an event to learn more about adverse childhood experiences. ACEs Coalition of Guelph & Wellington established

Getting started
  • Training and workshops
  • Local survey (led by WDG Public Health)
Building Momentum

School pilot, website, toolkit for champions, online training

Now and beyond

Name change, tailored training, Building Connections for Resilient Kids

Our Mission

We work together to build resilience and decrease risk factors that impact health and wellbeing.

Our Theory of Change

We believe that a resilient community that prevents and reduces the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences is possible. Our Theory of Change maps the path from awareness to action to real system change.

Drop us a line

We are here to answer any questions you may have